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Chess book collection of Zahari Stanchev

At the beginning of 2024, I was contacted by the grandson of Zahari Stanchev (Захари Станчев) from Sofia, Bulgaria. His grandfather was a representative for Bulgaria at FIDE in the 1960s. In addition to writing chess books, Stanchev collected a large collection of chess books (English, Russian, German, Czech and Bulgarian), magazines, photos and memorabilia during his chess life. Even though Grandpa passed away more than 40 years ago, the collection has always remained in the family. After a few conversations, we came to an agreement.
We prepared the entire collection together in Sofia and packed it in 60 boxes (1000kg) on two pallets for transport by truck to the Netherlands.

From his position as representative for Bulgaria at FIDE, Stanchev organized several major tournaments, such as the XVI Chess Olympiad (1962) in Varna.
In the collection, we also find the financial administration, correspondence, invitations and personal photos of the tournament. Also, 150 photos were taken by press photographers. These include famous names such as Fischer, Tal, Bronstein, Euwe and many others.
Other tournaments that are discussed include the Botvinnik-Tal dual event, Bronstein Memorial 1965 and Havanna 1966.

In the next month, some collection books will be added to the website. The items will have the following additional description:
“This item originates from the chess book collection of Zahari Stanchev (Захари Станчев), (April 27, 1920 – January 27, 1980) from Sofia, Bulgaria. Stanchev was Bulgaria’s representative to FIDE in the 1960s.”

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Kagans Neueste Schachnachrichten (12 books)

This chess magazine first appeared as a quarterly and then monthly in the years 1921-32. It was published in Berlin and used as a vehicle for giving many master games and articles by such writers as Grunfeld, Tartakower, Tarrasch, Nimzowitsch, Reti and Spielman. Many of the great tournaments of the period appeared in supplements to the magazine. It died when Kagan himself died in 1932. (Golombek: 157)

  • 432 pages, 1. Jahrgang 1921, including supllement “Beilage zu Kagan’s Neueste Schachnachrichten”. rebound, pages browned by age. absolutely no handwriting. 1st Edition. Seller Inventory # 025644
  • 381 pages, 2.Jahrgang 1922, including supllement “Beilage des 2. Jahrganges aus das 60. Geburrsttages unseres hochgeschätzten Mitarbeiters Dr. S. Tarrasch”. Image of Dr. Siegbert Tarrasch, rebound, pages browned by age. no handwriting. 1st Edition. Seller Inventory # 025645
  • 320 pages, 3.Jahrgang 1923, , rebound, pages browned by age. no handwriting. 1st Edition. Seller Inventory # 025646
  • 104 +180 pages, 4.Jahrgang 1924, , rebound, pages browned by age. no handwriting. 1st Edition.
  • 490 pages, 5.Jahrgang 1925, with Photo of chess club Surabaya, rebound, pages browned by age. no handwriting. 1st Edition.
  • 512 pages, 6.Jahrgang 1926, with Photo of chess club Surabaya, rebound, pages browned by age. no handwriting. 1st Edition.
  • 468 pages, 7.Jahrgang 1927, with Photo of chess club Surabaya, rebound, pages browned by age. no handwriting. 1st Edition.
  • 380 pages, 8.Jahrgang 1928, rebound, pages browned by age. no handwriting. 1st Edition.
  • 432 pages, 9.Jahrgang 1929, rebound, pages browned by age. no handwriting. 1st Edition.
  • 344 pages, 10.Jahrgang 1930, rebound, pages browned by age. no handwriting. 1st Edition.
  • 263 pages, 11.Jahrgang 1931, rebound, pages browned by age. no handwriting. 1st Edition.
  • 96 pages, 12.Jahrgang 1932 Januari bis April, rebound, pages browned by age. no handwriting. 1st Edition.
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Rare, scare and signed!

It remains tempting to buy such beautiful autographed books. We found a few special books by Botwinnik, published in Russian.

Another book had long been on the wish list: the tournament book for the world chess championship in The Hague and Moscow. And then of course the most special edition of this.

We sell this book together with the origional program of the tournament.

Signed by all participants!

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James Mason (1849-1905)

James Mason (19 November 1849 – 12 January 1905) was an Irish-born British-American chess player, journalist and writer, who became one of the world’s best half-dozen players in the 1880s.

He wrote 4 books in the 19the century:

  • James Mason (1894). The Principles of Chess in Theory and Practice. Horace Cox, Windsor House, Bream’s Buildings, E.C.
  • James Mason (1895). The Art of Chess. Horace Cox, Windsor House, Bream’s Buildings, E.C.
  • James Mason (1897). Chess Openings. Horace Cox, Windsor House, Bream’s Buildings, E.C.
  • James Mason (1900). Social Chess: a Collection of Short and Brilliant Games With Historical and Practical Illustrations. Horace Cox, Windsor House, Bream’s Buildings, E.C.

and was a co-writer for the book:

  • James Mason and W. H. K. Pollock (1896). Games in the St. Petersburg Tournament, 1895-96. Whitehead and Miller, Printers.

Let’s have a look at four of his books. All 1st Editions.

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The Queen’s Gambit – Walter Tevis (1983)

Netflix made the series The Queen’s Gambit available for Europe on October 23, 2020. This 7-part series is based on the 1983 novel by Walter Tevis.

ARRIVED! The 2020 version of the book The Queens Gambit.
And we also found a nice uncorrected book proof (not for publishing) of the UK version of The Queen’s Gambit, 1983. (SOLD)

Available for preorder, the 2020 version of the book The Queens Gambit.