Dear chess enthusiast. Welcome to the ØFKE site, you will find a large collection of books here. From chess books from the 18th century, chess clocks, and chess stamps to second-hand books from the 21st century.

Are you looking for a special book? Or do you want to sell a collection of chess books? Fill in the contact form and we will contact you.

Ook is er een verzameling eerste dag-enveloppen in assortiment. Met o.a. een door Bobby Fischer gesigneerde versie uit 1962, uitgegeven tijdens het Kandidatentoernooi.

Original price was: €35,00.Current price is: €25,00.
Original price was: €3.495,00.Current price is: €2.195,00.
Original price was: €55,00.Current price is: €45,00.
Original price was: €49,95.Current price is: €34,95.